Sociodemographic Characteristics Of The Over-The-Counter Drug Users In Serbia

Mihailovic Natasa1, *, Snezana Radovanovic1, 2, Dragan Vasiljevic1, 3, Sanja Kocic1, 2, Mihajlo Jakovljevic4
1 Department of Social Medicine, Institute of Public Health Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia
2 Department of Social Medicine, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Faculty of Medical Sciences
3 Department of Hygiene and Ecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
4 Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

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The analysis of socio-demographic factors on the use of over-the-counter drugs for self-medication and over the counter drugs such as vitamins and minerals for boosting the immune system.


The objective is to look into socio-demographic factors of the interviewees who use Over-the-Counter drugs.


Data obtained through the results of the National health survey of the Republic of Serbia 2013. Dependent variable was transformed such a way that vitamins and herbal medicaments for strengthening the body were merged into one group preparations for boosting the immune system and drugs for self-treatment into the group preparations for self-medication.


The interviewees more often use OTC for boosting the immune system rather that OTC for self-medication. Women and highly educated people use OTC preparations more often. Unemployed people coming from rural areas use OTC preparations less often. People who have primary education buy OTC products for boosting the immune system significantly more often in comparison to highly educated people (OR = 3.95), but they use OTC drugs for self-medication less frequently (OR = 0.25). The poorest interviewees buy OTC drugs for self-medication twice times less often than the rich, respectively, but they buy OTC vitamins and other immunoregulators 1.4 times more often than the rich, respectively.


Highly educated, rich and people coming from developed regions very often buy OTC drugs for self-medication, while poor, less educated people coming from undeveloped regions more often buy OTC preparations for boosting the immune system.

Keywords: OTC, Socio-demographic factors, Drugs for self-treatment, Vitamins, Herbal medicaments, Immune system.